Morning to you lovely people. It’s Friday and it’s creeping closing to being Grandchildren’s weekend in which I had grand plans for. It’s likely they are going to be quashed because of my lingering awful coughing spells. I’m going to see if I can get a doctors appointment this morning. Wish me luck! .
I’m writing this morning about my feelings maybe yours too? . 🍂Pondering all them years ago when i started this trail or search for inner love I use to hate myself, err.. yes for many of a moon . Completely out of my depths as a person of any standings in any land of any nation. As my late Mum use to say to me “ you take yourself wherever you go” .
My own realm of inner worth had just been awakened and been a gorgeous path. Ever much a place of mistakes and learning as I go.. Some of the most exquisite times to be had but hoping there’ll be more as I develop as a human being. Learning to express ourselves with No fear haha and most definitely with a ounce or two of fear. Fear runs right through us , well defo me. 😂. Learning to cherish my inner me and behold my fond memories of past passionate moments of strengths and most definitely REMEMBERING THE GOOD THAT YOU AND I HAVE ACHIEVED.
Sometimes I’ve wished, like even now . If my childhood been different with nurturing unbroken family setting , perhaps life would of been a whole lot better? . Who knows .
Saying this my life has a been a great path and I love the many interesting moments and people in it. Certainly if I’d had a different childhood, I guess I would never of met you and simply wouldn’t bear thinking about. I love my friends and family just as they are. I can’t help but wonder what this new year of 2023 has in store . I hope there’s plenty of MAGICAL MOMENTS IN IT. WE MAKE OUR OWN MAGIC and I’m looking forward to it. Though I’m at a crossroads when it comes to my fitness. Hey ho.( edited 🍂 28/12/22 time 6:28 pm.)
Nurturing yourself through the pitfalls and finding them gems in life, glorious places to visit, fabulous friends that Shine and smile. Those gorgeous people that help you without them even trying. It comes naturally to them .
My wife too without saying much is one of my biggest pillars in life. Susan is an incredible woman who gets through a whole lot of work in her day. She’ll do anything for anyone. She’s got a solid heart for the ones she loves. 💖
For me recently talking and expressing myself more has helped too, amongst everything else I do. Connection is key. Connection to all people who touch my life , even in the little ways.
It’s like the feeling of being free inside.. , that’s emotionally anyway. It’s gives you an immense feeling of freedom and contentment. Thus we become to smile again. I’m still working through my book , “Think like a Monk”by Jay Shetty. It’s really good. Some stuff he’s written , I’ve read before other stuff I haven’t.
Some stuff in the book, like exercises are way different and I must do them . In working through the book and hope to open up more of myself.
A self that’s been timid for all my amazing and sometimes fraught years. All I can say is I’m a work in progress , steady away and I’m again pleased I’m doing it again.
Sometimes I loose sight of what I thought I was doing here on planet earth , I guess that’s when the negative self or little worrier takes over. Not a good place to be, as it can take a while to move out of this state of negativity. Nevertheless I’ve found myself again and I’m happy about that.
How are you doing this day? . Are you your usual self of getting on with your day? . Nothing to complain about, nothing to report. Sometimes like me at ‘Andy’s Man Club ‘on Monday , when they ask you if you have anything to get off your chest!? .
When my turn came I didn’t have anything to say on the negative front. Whether this is because I don’t want to dwell on the negative and turn any negative moments I’ve had in the week into something bigger than it was. I want to believe in the positive. I don’t wish to be or continue any negative threads within me.. it’s lived in me for so many years. It’s time to nurture my loving side.. What do you say ? .
Take care my good friends .. keep working on yourselves, keep on tapping away on yourselves. Stay open , and don’t hide away..
Breathe in the goodness of the natural world, breathe in and relax with all the good stuff that makes you happy .
SAY YES TO LIFE ! . It may surprise you !. It most certainly will change your life for the better. ❤️🥰🍁✨🌟💚.
Your friend
Adrian x🌟🥰💚🌟🥰💚
Edited etc 🍂 date and time