Oh my word, the feeling of being so sunken is a raw emotion I’m entirely not sure if I’d like to go through it again .. Hence I did last night on my walk home. Blimey after a good evening with my friend and few beers, conversations and chilling to the latest country music on some sort of country hit’s radio station that Alexa aired for us.
When was the last time you cried? , or maybe felt emotionally wrecked? I am simply not going to give away my all and everything as I’ve simply had enough of giving at this time, I’m completely washed up emotionally. Even though I’ve reached out to two good friends plus a professional one and they’ve helped me immensely. I had my chat and coffees and a sandwich 😁 with my friend this morning and it’s strange how exactly your friends see you.
They see how you work as a human being, how one works under pressure.. mind you my friend had worked with me for ten years closely, so we’ve been through stuff together. Each other’s stuff and stories. So we pretty much know a lot about each other. Get talking People, it’s so freshly good for your soul.
I hope all of you have had a carefree , soulful few days.. I hope to find my rebalance soon. This is going to start again with a refocusing on my personal training. So this means me with no confusion of others in my life. Pure me.
Fresh boundaries are being worked on , as I discussed with a friend earlier in my hour of need. I thought i don’t know if I can do this but I think it’s needed to save myself and others from an emotional overload.
I think I said in my last post , that I feel like taking myself away from the hurt , it’s all about freshening up my boundaries for myself and hopefully everything else will fall into place again. That’s keeping my fingers and toes crossed 😁. You can do this ! .
My Inner strength is there , I’ve been through worse stuff and I handled it superbly , breaking a habit of a lifetime, living and breathing negatively is a place of struggle and I didn’t like it that much. I always hoped for more. Hoping is a start but starting to explore and BELIEVING YOU CAN is a huge stepping stone. EVEN MORE THAN THIS IS LOVING THE PRECIOUS self inside.
The tide has turned, this year is proof of that . I’ve done impeccably well of shining my goodness onto the world.
From my pathway to yours,
The Power is Within,
passionately on my way. Xx
Adrian x