It’s Saturday morning and our little Grandsons are here. Ready for the day ahead, well I am. Their still asleep in bed, haha. Our littlest so wanting a trip to see the dinosaurs at Blackpool Zoo. I’m wrapping up and I’ll make sure our little one does too as he has bad cough like me. The two bigger boys hopefully will get along just fine. Without any tantrums. Let’s hope so.
So yesterday was Counselling day , which was surprisingly beautiful. I had slightly forgot that it was my special day.
It made all the beautiful experience because I didn’t get all worked up before hand. It was simply an opening experience and towards the end of my session we always discuss moving forward .
It seems this session might be the point of a new doorway of something that will expand my growth even further . Sharing this experience with you is a down to earth feeling . 🌿
This means less contact with my counsellor as she feels I’ve made it through the worst of everything and I’m now adopting new skills and breathing new life into my being. Acceptance is key to my past and living in the now is more beautiful than ever..
Saying this we all have our ups and downs, family and health problems, situations at work that make your head wobble.
I’ve learnt new ways of Moving forward , like expressing myself more . I will continue to open new doors to my experiences here on Mother Earth.
Becoming more with one with nature might sound a cliche but I’ve some further inner work to do and I will continue to work on till my last breath. This is something my counsellor admires about me and that’s my pure determination to keep moving forward in search of the answers. 🌿
I have some challenges to master in the coming months in which I’ll discuss as they develop. 💚💪🌟😁.
In the Meantime I had some news late on last night about my sister as she still remains in Hospital. A week on and it seems she may of gone worse . I’ve asked my brother to go and see her . I’ll see how I feel tomorrow but I’m still suffering from my lurgy in which I’ve got antibiotics for.
Anyway guys, have a beautiful day xx
Hugs from me,
Adrian x 🌟💚🥰💪🍁🌞.
edited etc 🌿 .