Hiya ,
Its been an incredible few days. All my days are incredible. Yes i know sometimes my little words come out from all angles but that’s life I guess.
🌟Some of the sparkles that came from my Monday’s chat with My Guide through life ( Counsellor) at this present time ,, yes Gillian.. I found these next few steps too challenging for me ..The following paragraph rewritten;
✳️I booked myself onto one of Paul Morts Transformational courses in which I found it good at first but then became most challenging and stressful for me.
I came across Paul’s talks on social media and what he had to say resonated with me. Being honest I struggled with the intensity of work . . So in the end or half way through the course I jacked it in . I never like doing this as it can be seen as failure. Paul was honest from the start and said it would be tough. .
These days I tend to try and not be too hard on my self and accept myself as I am. 🥰. It doesn’t always fall into place.. 🤷🏼♂️😂.
It came across in my telephone session with my counsellor that she was ever so concerned that I wasn’t doing the right thing.I’m certainly not knocking Paul as he’s a leading motivational coach in Great Britain and has a huge following. It just wasn’t for me at this time . ❤️.
🐾Sometimes i can try too hard to improve, when already I am making great headway even though I don’t manage to see it at the time 💫🌟. Paul comes across strong and full of bounce but at this time in my life his coaching wasn’t for me.. We only learn by doing. Or half doing in this case 😂🤣. 👌, I am going back to healing the child within me . ✳️
( Edited ✳️ 29/11/2020 )
🌟Hey I’m here intending to fill you in on my Sparkles of the week. There are always something to Shine about. Bright conversations with my friends, whether it’s via text or speech . These moments are definitely delicious.
🌟I received a little gift of a stick of rock from my friends Tom & Louise who have returned from a short break in Jersey.Sadly I didn’t make my last Line dance class last night. After having an upset stomach since Monday. It’s still here now . Yes I had a mental 45 minutes at teatime today thinking of attending Blast Boot Camp. Yes, indeed I did attend. Although my stomach wasn’t right and don’t the lads know it 🤣. I gassed the place out. Well it had to come out. The more I exercised, the more gas flowed . Of dear.. I had to just get on with it.
Well I did say I wasn’t well 😂.🌟Thanks to Mark for making an incredibly positive session and the crew for a great effort and a little sparkle of happiness from our other trainer from the girls room , yes our Adam . Yes I noticed! 😄. 👍💫 Oow my muscles have started to ache 😄👍.
🌟My dear wife was in the wars today, she fell in the home and dislocated her finger . She was tended to in Southport Hospital and apparently had a very good experience with a nice member of staff , her title was Nurse practitioner. 🌟. She can have a gold , well they both can !🌟😄.🌟We’ve had our little people staying with us again over the last few days. Of course my little belter , the littlest of the bunch has my heart fluttering💖 once again. He gets lots of kisses off me all the time. I can’t help it. He doesn’t cry after me like he does , Mum , Dad or Mam Ma .😄. In a way I’m glad he doesn’t cry after me because it would break my heart . ! 🌟😄.He’s had a sleep today, so he’s still awake at 11pm.
🌟I’ve not been reading much lately with being ill but have glanced a couple of times at Susan Jeffers book ‘ End the Struggle and dance with life’.
Here’s a quote from the book by someone else.🌟I lead a very simple life, yet some nights I cannot sleep because I am so excited about the day. I find joy and laughter in everything I do ! — by Sheila Byrd.🌟
🌟There’s more of this in blogs of the future. 😄🌟.
Please stay safe my sparkly friends in these uncertain times. Thinking of you.
From my heart to yours
Positively Adrian 🌟😄🌟😄🌟😄
🌟All words written in my own experiences 🌟
✳️ edited 29th November 2020 .
Hey Mate, just had this forwarded to me. Apologies if anything came across as ‘bullying’ that certainly isn’t my intention at all. My intention is only ever to serve
Sending you love my man
Hi Paul,
I hope you’re electrifying well. Thanks for your email. Please don’t take it personally. I was in a particularly loosing my mind kind of state of mind. Maybe I was taking to much at the time with going through counselling at the time as well as entering your training… Maybe I was searching to hard.. I have been a kind of searching kinda guy , searching to become better. I still listen to your videos on social media and the emails you send me. Wishing you the very best 🌟.
Best wishes