It’s Friday evening or is it night?. When does evening turn into night. I’m sure there is an official time. I’ve not researched this , perhaps I should. Ok sorted it . We are in night time as it’s 10:30 and nighttime starts from sunset to sunrise. Official times starts at 8:01pm to 5:59 am. Evening being , from 5:01 to 8pm. . I’m glad I looked it up. 😂. I bet you know that you clever lot! 🤣.
🌟This brings me to Nick names and Pet names you might have for your loved ones. Are you ever going to tell me, whisper it to me if you like 😂.
Well I can tell you my nick name as a kid, was erm ……….haha ! Oow am I going to tell you. … It’s really not that exciting. Yes they use to , they , being the local shop keeper . Hmmm.. I can’t really remember his name . I guess it was Mr Warden , but his Christian I cannot really remember, it could of been Nick or Tony ? – not much difference between them is there ? Them names just seem to floating around my head on this one. Hmmm.
I can only remember three people calling me this , so Mr Warden was one . The other two were my sister because as a young girl she couldn’t manage to say Adrian, apparently that’s how the story goes !😄🌟🤣. This leaves my Mum being the third person.
🌟Okay .. here it is … Ricky !. Yes Ricky , goad! . I’ve said it twice. 😂😄.Well it goes with my middle name Richard and most definitely had this name placed upon me as it’s my Dads name.
🌟Talking about Wardens, that’s a blast from my past .The shop was positioned on the corner of Segar’s Lane and Mill Lane in Ainsdale. My ol’ stomping ground. In my day , them days , there was an old Tower mill just to the side of the corner on Mill Lane. Then it was waste land for years , then garages, now a block of flats.
A memory I’ve not thought about for a long time . Look what you do to me !. Wardens our corner shop for many years, selling lots of sweets I remember. Bottles of pop too, Corona being the main one, as well as Tizer and R Whites lemonade.The bottom part of the shop was the off license which I often frequented as a kid. Really I did! . You wouldn’t get away this now. Being sent as a child to the shop for for alcohol. I remember the shopping lists which usually consisted of bottles of ‘Double Diamond’, Kestrel, younger’s Tartan and sparkling wines. Just one of the things I had to do as a child.
There was several times I was banned from the shop , only because of pressure from other family members, like my Nana. My Auntie and uncle might of been involved , I’m not quite sure on that one. Imagine sending your 8 or 9 year old to the shop for a carrier bag full of booze. This was a few times a week.Yes well, I’m gonna slide on right out of this memory , it’s ain’t doing me any good.
🌟Pet names You must have one . One that someone calls you? One you call them . Nice ones please. You can ask me , but I’ll wait till you ask me, before I divulge any of mine 🤣, . Who dares wins !!! 🌟😄💖.
I think I might overplayed this thread here. I’m gonna just leave you pondering.😘.
🌟Sweet dreams
Your Friend Adrian 🌟😄🤗
Edited and all that stuff xx🍓