Is preparing us for what’s next ! . 😁Don’t ask me why , but today has been clicking good. Clicking because things seem to be moving or clicking into place.
I’m not gonna lie . It’s been pretty tough lately. Still some huge steps forward to make yet, but things feel lighter .
Things seem to have shifted within me. Positivity seems to be seeping or vibrating out me once again. Maybe it’s my creativity at work or maybe it’s because I’ve had a healing experience and session recently.
Yep I sent out an sos to Divine Spiritual Healing, because I simply couldn’t take anymore of how I was feeling..
Aren’t I so lucky to have her on my doorstep so to speak. Her healing Centre only situated in my little village. Yes it was blessed few moments in my life. This was my second session this year and I was open to receiving her gifts. 🥰
Other leaps of faith have happened in the gym with my personal trainer and moments when he wasn’t pushing me and I inspired myself 💪✨🥰🌟. Yes I know the moment 🥰🌟.
Moving on to my 5th Year Anniversary of these pages today . 💖. Happiest anniversary to Positively Adrian. I thank you for reading and sharing my little space here on internet. I appreciate you and your zest for life . X
Take it easy and love who you are.
Light of love
Adrian x