Life is so loaded with very new experiences.
Each and every day the universe gives you a new twist on life. So how do we navigate these new experiences that take you to new shores? .
Has anyone watched ” Down to Earth with Zac Efron? . What an amazing little series of programmes on Netflix. It’s soothing me here whilst I write to you my friends, yep you’ve guessed I’m up at the early hours wondering my life once again. 😁
So what keeps you going? . Me , well some you do for me. I have my down to earth friends who keep me connected to beauty. Males and females alike, my friends are second to non.
Oh my gosh , yesterday I bumped into a friend from my old classes yoga classes I use to go to before covid raised it’s ugly head.
Oh my gosh this lady looked marvellous! , better than I’ve seen her before. She has a new magic about her, why? , because she tells me she’s started outdoor swimming! I can’t get over how radiant she looked!.
This lady lost her husband a couple of years back and it’s a pure wonder how this lady LIVES ! .So outdoor swimming consists of wearing an wetsuit and as she ventures out once a week to meet her friends, she has her sheer exhilarating hour of awaking water on her very being. My friend tells me of how much it’s improved her life. It makes you feel alive ! Apparently!. Well it sounds like a great treat to your well-being.
She said for a beginner if I decided to do something like this , I or we ought to start when the weather gets warmer! . If you want any further details on it , please contact myself, cheers.
To you my friends I’m going to say
Exploring your world can be scary, it can be exhilarating too. Trust the inner you to show you the way.
From my journey to yours!
Adrian x
edited etc.. 🍂