Hiya ,
well for me it’s Human Connection.
After taking part in a small test in July’s edition of Psychologies magazine , I find all my answers lead to human connection. Does this make me needy? I hope not , that’s another word I don’t like, ‘ needy’. Yes but human connections make me tick, especially in the right company for me at the time. Sometimes we won’t get the positive experience you so wished for but generally if you’re positive , others tend to be .. but there’s no rules so anything can happen 😁.
Asking questions of how their week is and just being generally being interested in the other person’s activities and love for life makes me smile. Arh, yes human connection at its best.
Without this I really don’t know what my life would be like, or If I had one at all! . In the last few weeks I’ve been making contact with various friends from different walks in my life, like customers and friends alike. It’s good to share our own experiences, values and yes of course what makes people tick and also asking for help! . I’ve not gone too far into vulnerabilities , I save this for the friends who I can talk to in this way. And there sparks another beautiful connection.
Hmmm. And that’s another story, I keep hearing of men locally, friends of friends who keep taking their own lives. You’ve got to be very low and have no way to connect with friends to take your own life. Andy’s Man Club is still perhaps not getting through to the general public.
I know when I had a thought of ending my life , I was so close to phoning the Samaritans, but thought if I still feel this way in the morning, then I would make that call. In my case I spoke to Richie my friend and also to my life coach . I’m on a different level now. Mile’s better as a person but still working on myself , a human in progress.
So finding that balance and other loves in my life. More of something else is needed and I’ll always be reminded by my life coach to LOVE MYSELF MORE.
Bringing my sense’s back to my hearts centre ,thinking of the moment is just like my old teachers from yoga and Pilates would say..
Yep I do miss that sometimes. Being spiritual connected is something that’s needs to be practiced daily, I haven’t found a spiritual guide for that , mind you I haven’t been looking.
One of my biggest loves and harmonies is MY DATES WITH NATURE 💚 and my love for catching the moment on photographs. So whether it’s a beautiful human connection or one with nature it’s all just great.
From my heart to yours
Adrian x
edited etc..🌿