Finding who we are, finding who I am . Yes indeed. I’m feeling like a new person again after events of recent weeks, months, years of uncertainty. Now all over I can breathe a sense of relief. But I almost feel like I’m looking for a newness, a new lease of life. A nice balance in life, sounds gorgeous hey? . I’m not entirely sure how to find my newness. My new peace of mind, my relaxation. My fitness regime . I have my loves , I have my desires and these are all things I’ve tried before. Somehow my soul is yearning for that connection of inner peace. How I’m going to find myself around this right now I don’t know. I’m not sure whether to chat about it or just go a try things out again.
Change in life is as exciting as ought to be, knowing our direction is another thing to ponder.
A thought has just entered my head as I’ve been reading through my latest Psychologies magazine with Dr Julie Smith on the front cover. Wow this pioneering woman has been all sorts places on social media in the last couple of years, probing and exploring with a caring voice. I was just wondering how you go about reading a magazine? . Do we all have different habits? . For some habitual reason I choose to read from the back cover. Is that weird or something? . Thus finding it a little strange in this case as there’s a questionnaire on page 62 . So when I started to read pages 64&65 , I found it quite strange that I had to have read the pages before to have answered the questions there. A little flunked if I may say so.Onwards and upwards, my life continues to get a little better as each day passes, even though I’m not quite sure how to go about. All I can think of is to go with what I feel inside. This almost a soulful thing going on. Instead of asking other peoples advice, I’m going to choose what’s going on inside and learn to be me again.
I just wish to say a huge big thank you to my line dance teacher for her total kindness and humanness she has rippling out of her. I’m in awe of her. My other special teacher is my Pilates teacher , a woman of much wisdom. Even if you are not reading this , the fact I know what I feel is a huge stepping stone for me.. I just wish I could sleep, it being 3:20 this Wednesday morning 😴🫤. Lately my sleep pattern has been all over the place , with very little of it. Maybe a little frustration creeping in . Knowing and learning to be me again is all I can do.
Loving you from here, keeping shining my good friends. Thank you once again for your love ❤️.
From my heart to yours
Positively me 🌟🤗🥰.
Edited etc. 🍃