Morning to you!,
Though I’m having a quiet spell of writing anything, I do have something I’ll be bringing to you in the coming days. It’s itching to be written, I just need a clear mind to do it. Apologies for being quiet but I think that is just what it is. I’m not down , nor am I ultra happy, I’m kinda busy at work and I haven’t done any personal growth of any kind in the last two weeks. I’m just kind of resting my mind I guess. Whether this is good? , it feels ok and strange at the same time. As I’m usually trying to do better most of the time. I’m not listening to James Boardman every other day with mind shaking speeches and inspirational mindset. Just being quiet. Time out I reckon. Sssh .. don’t tell him or he might shoot me at dawn! 🤣. Having listened to James , he certainly can help us guys and women come to think of it .. with his business coaching, he calls it “ Time Domination “ .
How about you? . What are you doing? . Are you just doing your every day stuff. Quietly just getting on with life, or are you playing with your own MAGIC INSIDE? .
Oh blimey doesn’t it feel good , just saying that little word MAGIC? .Here’s to the MAGICAL SOURCE IN YOU, play with it. If you think you haven’t found it yet? , or if you dare to look within yourself and connect with others in your fields of interest. The MAGIC will enter your life and then you’ll never be alone again. You’ll always then feel a great sense of worth. Finding your path isn’t easy and it could take years of wrong turns or tastes in life that are different but can be mind blowing. Is this the magic in you talking? . That’s for you to find out! .
Take care and rest your mind once in a while. 🥰🌟.
Best wishes
Adrian 🤗